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Frozen Acai


What If You Could Make Your Eyes Sparkle, Skin Luminous, Heart Open and Mind Lucid In Less Than 30 Days?

Do you feel wiped out & and all over the place, all of the time?

Do you lack enthusiasm in the day to day? Have you lost your spark? Your glow?

Have you tried fasting before and given up because you lacked will power, know-how, or guidance?

Did you decide to never fast again, because your last fast ended with guilt at not being able to finish — and questions you couldn’t answer?

If you could fast while being fully supported and nurtured throughout the process, would you do it?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, keep reading . . .

Citrus Feast

The feast is being served …

When I say FEAST, you probably instinctively visualize a long manor table bedecked with baskets of warm baked bread, grilled fish steaming under domed silver covers, and exquisite crystal glasses filled with full-bodied red wine . . .


But food isn’t the only form of nourishment out there. And I want to invite you to a different kind of feast — one that offers sustenance for your soul.


The Living Light LifeFood Cleanse is a transformative process that will enable you to sacrifice the eating habits that no longer serve you. You’ll emerge radiant, revitalized and vitally self-aware — with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.


Fasting isn’t about depriving yourself or losing those extra pounds. It’s about honoring your body as a sacred space inside which your spirit can manifest powerful miracles.


Plus, food is our divine fuel — and our capacity to relish the act of eating is a tremendous gift which demands our wholehearted respect.

Bali view

“Fasting cures disease, dries up bodily humors, puts demons to flight, gets rid of the impure thoughts, makes the mind clear, and the heart pure, and the body sanctified, and raises humanity to the throne of God.”
                               — Atheneus


I’m gonna take a stab in the dark . . . and guess your energy levels are seriously depleted. Your days foam with activity, and you barely have time to take a breath until your head hits the pillow at night. You can’t seem to wrangle enough time to redress the balance — and you eat whatever you can grab whenever it’s convenient.


I get it. I’ve been there. When I first moved to New York City, I’d spontaneously gorge on junk food to sate a craving — then inevitably feel guilty afterwards. I would drink four liters of Pepsi a day, devour pizza by the slice, and wolf frozen yogurt by the pint at dinnertime. I knew it was no way to take care of myself, but I didn’t have enough money, time or sense to change my routine.


That all changed when I enrolled as a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Here, I learnt how to understand my body implicitly, so that I’d always know what it needed. I discovered I could bypass the impulsive laziness that had been attached to my food choices in the past, and ignite whole reserves of energy I didn’t know I had.


My relationship with food was transformed from that day forward.


When I completed my first four–day juice fast almost 30 years ago, I became the subject of my own experiment, as I tried to comprehend the connection between food, my mood, and my overall wellbeing.


It was a turbulent time in my life. I’d just moved to a new city and broken up with my first love. Yet the juice fast allowed me to detach from my physical cravings and transient emotions. Instead, I managed to tap into a more intrinsic part of myself.


A strange thing happened — despite not eating, I continued to have plenty of energy for work, study, and exercise.


I’ve been fascinated with the concept of fasting ever since. I even completed a 40-day fast that strengthen my relationship not only with my body but also with the Divine.


What is most interesting to me is how we instinctively associate food deprivation with starvation, because we assume our entire existence is dependent on food. We only identify with our physical selves and forget that our life force reaches beyond the temporal.


When we fast, we are forced to look beyond these self–limiting beliefs to decipher whether we’re attached to that which truly serves us.


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  • Over the course of the 30 days you’ll receive daily support via a private membership site (The School of Living Light) designed to foster play & community between you, me, & the other women taking part in this fast. I’ll equip you with supportive PDFs to help you prepare for & complete the fast successfully — and you’ll be able to connect with me whenever you need to via the site.

  • We'll start the month by first looking at our food habits and making some small but significant shifts as our preparation to the fast – each person can choose a way to fast that feels best suited for their needs. I will provide options from a more extreme 5-day liquid fast to a gentle 5-day mono cleansing.

  • The group calls: The weekly calls will last 60 minutes each, with short meditation, sharing and the opportunity to ask questions. Daily support provided during the actual fast/cleanse. We’ll cover topics including ::


:: How to set your intention for the fasting process
:: The best way to manage your family life & social events while fasting
:: How to exercise safely while fasting
:: Energetic Weight Loss — how to find the energy blocks that prevent you from maintaining a natural, healthy weight
:: Discover how to break free from your self-limiting beliefs about food and nourishment
:: Learn the importance of practicing daily gratitude
:: How to confront your fear of the unknown & tap into your innate power
:: Transitioning back to eating at the end of your fast
:: Implementing the art of healthy eating in your daily life





1. I have hungry kids and a husband to feed. Who’s going to cook for them while I fast? I don’t want to look at food that I can’t eat . . .


That’s why we’re doing this as a group. Our daily calls are there to support you and help nurture your commitment. Besides which, in the most cases, you’ll be enjoying delicious blended soups and smoothies that will help keep you full throughout the day. By the time you hit the fourth day, you’ll be feeling so rejuvenated, you’ll question your need to eat anything.


2. What about social events or parties I’m obliged to attend during the ten days?


Again, that’s why we’re in this together. We’ll talk together about any concerns that come up for you during the fasting process, including the potential awkwardness you may encounter during social gatherings when people don’t understand your decision to fast. I generally find that a fear of what others might think about us tends to be the overriding factor here.


3. I have a busy work schedule over those ten days. Can I still complete the fast without jeopardizing my ability to work efficiently?


We start the fast on Friday, so you’ll have the weekend to take more time for rest. The first three days tend to be the most challenging. After that, you’ll start feeling more revitalized. When I completed a 40–day fast, I continued my massage therapy work, giving up to three massages per day. You’ll be surprised how much energy you have in reserve after the toxic waste has left your system.


4. What will we be drinking?


This fast involves a combination of herbal teas, juices & blended foods. I’ll provide you with recipes for lemon juice, lemonade, green drinks, blended raw soup and smoothies. You’ll also need to drink plenty of clean, filtered water. You'll have the option to opt out from all of the above and choose a mono cleanse which means you commit to eating only one type of food for those five days.


5. Do I have everything I need to get started?


You need a good blender and a juicer. If you don’t have a juicer, a blender will work. I’ll provide a shopping list four days before we begin on our first call, so you have plenty of time to get everything you’ll need.


6. How do I know it’s safe for me to fast?


If you’re a healthy person living a modern lifestyle, it’s generally safe for you to fast for seven to ten days without any concerns.


Fasting typically begins on the third day when your body goes into what’s called Autolysis (self-digestion) during which it begins to process your body’s dead and dying cells. This is a rejuvenation process — any person in average heath can benefit from decreasing their dead cells and increasing their number of vibrant, healthy cells.


The 5–Day Fast portion of this month is not for you if you are:


  • Underweight

  • Under 18 years old

  • Pregnant

  • Nursing

  • Pre- or post-surgery

  • Severely anemic

  • Suffering from any disease or mental illness

  • Uncertain about your health.


If in doubt, please check with your health care provider.






Imagine fasting from the comfort of your own home, while receiving LIVE support . . .


Reserve your place today before you miss out on this unique opportunity.


The Living Light LifeFood Cleanse is LOADED with good juju and healing energy — and I expect it to fill up fast.


Your Investment for 30 days = $497


BUT, before you hit the RED button below to join the School, you need to agree to these six rules ::


1. I am 100% committed to giving this my all.
 2. I will be gentle & forgiving with myself.
 3. I will embrace my wild side without fear.
 4. I trust myself & I trust life. And I understand that this will be a safe space for me to heal and change. 
5. I will be present. I understand that my presence contributes to everyone else’s process in a positive way. I will do my best to show up to every call so that my light and energy will be available to others during our group’s collective transformation.
 6. I agree to 100% confidentiality.


Please note: There are no refunds. Space is limited.


With Love,



Still Life Photography

I have known Riikka for over ten years and in that time she has helped me entirely re-think my approach to food and eating. Not a trip to the grocery story goes by when I don’t think of something I learned from Riikka. I have participated in three fasts with her, which were fun and supportive and healing. Who knew going without food for seven days could be so easy and … enlightening. Riikka also coached me on nutrition and helped me learn to choose and cook healthier meals. And I even brought her in to cook for our office lunches so that we could have more conscious nutrition in the workplace. To say that Riikka has had a positive impact on my life is an understatement. She is also a very gifted healer and my life is better for knowing her.

— Laura Gates

Green Juice

Riikka is a true healing angel and health guru wrapped into one babe-alicious package! It’s so inspiring working with her–she has practical solutions for practically anything you’re stuck on in your diet and wellness regimen. Riikka helped me redefine my nutrition goals and take them to a new level; within only a few months I had more energy, radiant skin, and my abs started to have a little definition!  Plus, she made the process pain-free, exciting, and fluid so there were no have-tos or absolute no-nos.  If you want someone who’ll encourage you to be your best without making you feel judged or icky, Riikka is your girl!”

— Amanda Noelle

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