Riikka Rajamäki, MA, is an esteemed author, Reiki Master, Feng Shui Consultant and Spirit Coach®️ who is obsessed with helping women clear the clutter in all areas of their lives that prevents them from fulfilling their dream.
She is also founder of The Daily Nothing— a free 30-day meditative journey – which has inspired 100’s of people to start their daily meditation practice so that they can create from a place of clarity instead of overwhelm and be productive without burnout.
When she is not in session with clients, you can find her writing her next book, facilitating a Blindfold Trance-Dance™ Ritual, visiting her home country Finland or soaking in the Northern California hot springs.
I believe that clutter in all its myriad forms is what’s holding women back from their true power – and from their dreams.
Love, spirituality, home, health, career, emotional life, finances, friendships…. Through all these things runs a web of energy, like fascia, that is either limiting or liberating us.
As a Living Light Consultant and a Sovereign Woman Mentor, I work with women who are done with going around in circles. You realize life is short. You know that true power lies in the choices you make day to day.
Living Light Consulting is a unique proprietary decluttering system which is designed to help women release physical, mental, emotional and energetic clutter ("the endless loop of stuff") so that they can end the "constant catching up" and feel spacious enough to finally go after what they truly want.
The Clutter Wheel™️ is a self–assessment tool – a good starting point. Which one of these symptoms are you currently experiencing?
I look forward to helping you live light, love big and make a difference in your own unique way!


How I Got Here –
My Personal Story
As a woman on a path of spiritual development,
I have been burnt in many bonfires that I myself helped build.
And most of them have been about love. Or lack of it.
So many times in my life I have begged for it, prayed for it, demanded it, even broken my wrist for it.
That is how much I doubted love.
My skepticism created pain, suffering and separation.
All my life, love was something that I needed to work hard for. To prove it. To earn it.
I travelled around the world chasing the self I thought I had to be.
All these years I suffered over love because I didn’t let love just be. I
demanded a result.
Love became risky.
And, most importantly, I had forgotten that love is not something to
have, it is who I am, in my very nature.
I remember seeing women, all ages and sizes, who seemed to have understood this.
It was clear that these women loved themselves. They were completely in their feminine power, juicy, full and radiant, and I used to wonder, how do they do that? Were they born that way? They were like magical beings to me.
I found them mesmerizing, yet I also felt envy, because I knew how far away I was from being like them.
The idea that love is somehow limited, caused me to attract partners
who would mirror that back to me.
And that mirror would always end up shattering into a million pieces.
There was never going to be a happily ever after. Never.
Not until I looked into that mirror and faced my sadness. The sadness that came from not loving myself.
I had to surrender. I was angry. And I was humbled. All my life I had avoided this moment. I had never really understood what surrender meant until I was on my knees, begging god to show me how to release myself from this endless cycle of self-destruction.
I died, somatically. On the floor, I lost it. And found it again.
“It’s not your job to love me; it’s mine” became my mantra.
Anytime my mind wanted to wander outside to find an object, usually my ex-partners, to blame or judge, I repeated this mantra, and it gave me a tremendous amount of support. And not just support, ecstatic joy.
And Truth. I have always been a lover of truth. Even when I could not love myself, I loved the truth.
And that set me free.

P.S. Want to stay in touch? Join The Daily Nothing, find me on Facebook or read my occasional posts on my blog.