When she starts working with me, she agrees to the following:
1. No dating for the first two months (all apps on hold)
2. No cell phone use while eating meals or standing in lines
3. She purges her closets from items that are no longer useful or meaningful (a bag/week)
4. She meditates 5-30 minutes per day
Because the real shift happens when she takes action and re-patterns the old.
When she becomes present with herself, she no longer demands another to fill the void.
She learns that her safety and lovability does not depend on the attention she receives.
She has taken that route too many times and didn’t like who she became as a result of that –
A control freak.
Or – a hermit.
She now understands this on a cellular level.
So she keeps filling her own cup first.
She tends to her own garden.
She pulls up the weeds.
She fertilizes it.
And waters it.
What she does and how she invests in a relationship – even when that relationship exists in the future – makes it real.
“The way we do anything is the way we do everything.”
She is no longer looking for the “dream partnership” – she creates it.
Moment to moment.
