“Would you like me to start your water for your coffee?” he asked.
“No thanks. That would mean I may need to get up sooner than I want. I like timeless today.”
I continued staring out of the window into the naked grape vines.
It's Winter Solstice.
This is the essence of it for me – timeless unfolding.
I like it dark but I’m aware that the sun is slowly reaching the wet grass
Making everything around me sparkle.
I try not to get anxious.
My coffee can wait.
My phone can wait.
Even if this moment ends, I can carry it inside my heart.
All day.
I see dust bunnies on the floor.
I know I will get this home ready for Christmas today.
But not quite yet.
Right now I just want to sit here.
No sacred ceremonies or bonfires other than this.
A living prayer.
Burning inside my small living heart.
“It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch
a few words together and don’t try
to make them elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but the doorway
into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.” (Mary Oliver)
Mary Oliver also says:
“Almost every poem in the universe moves too slowly.”
May you, << Test First Name >> – and we all – be like a good poem during this Holiday Season, moving way too slow. May we drink that cup of hot chocolate too slowly. May we breathe too slowly. Whatever is on our "to do"-list, may we go through our lists too slowly. What needs to get done, will get done. Eventually.
Thank you for being in my life.

P.S. You're invited to my New Year's Eve DECLUTTER HAPPY HOUR! This event is free and open to all.
You will get crystal clear what you DO NOT WANT to drag with you into the New Year. This can include all sorts of things like broken jewelry, broken hearts and broken promises. Even if the things you want to leave behind are more on the abstract side, you usually have items sitting around in your home that represents these things.
So bring enough big garbage bags, and boxes. Label them TRASH, RECYCLE and DONATE.
You will be challenged to take these items out of your house by midnight.