“I know you're tired but
come, this is the way.”
― Jalalu'l-din Rumi

The deepest tragedy ...
... for a woman is not that she is single or that she is not making money, or that she is alone.
The deepest tragedy for a woman is that she has lost faith in flow.
When she is in her flow, she is resting in her core. Her essence.
Life feels like a river.
She still has her challenges but she flows around them like water does around rocks and fallen branches.
She knows her way, naturally.
And she’s certain that no matter what happens, she is heading towards the sea.
Without her flow, she is like a compass without the needle pointing north.
As a result, she starts taking care of everyone else, except herself.
Carrying the world on her shoulders.
Trying to figure it all out alone.
Thinking too hard.
She thinks the pain is a result of not having what she needs in an existing relationship. Or not making enough money. Or not having this or that.
So she starts looking for “the one”. Working harder. Purchasing stuff to fill the void.
A woman who has lost her flow will almost always attract a man who is going through a “mid-life crisis” where everything feels like too much, including her.
A woman who has lost her flow and
a man who thinks that only in solitude he is free
are not a good match.
This is why a good relationship starts way before you meet each other.
A woman who has lost touch with her essence will almost always choose a job that eventually leads to burn-out.
A woman who has lost her flow will almost always have a home that feels neglected, with no fresh chi but piles and piles of unsorted things begging for her attention.
It is only when she decides to return back to her core that she remembers her radiance, her worth and her strength.
But the choice is hers.
No-one can make that for her.
And no-one ever should.
This is HER life.
The only life she can ever change.
What would YOU do if you were her?

In The Love Lab we aim to write a new love story by restoring your confidence, self-worth and sovereignty so that you stop attracting incompatible men and call in the love of your life within 8-12 months, without online dating.

The reason your heart aches is NOT because something is wrong with you. Far from it! The reason your love life feels like it's on hold is similar to why your bathtub backs up with water, stagnates and grows bacteria and mold – it’s not because something is wrong with the bathtub itself. It’s because there is too much hair in the drain and the hair has created a blockage. Similarly your energy field gets blocked with negative memories, resentment, beliefs and emotions. This will keep you stuck in a behavior and thought pattern that is restricting your ability to have the love you deserve. The good news is at its core, each pattern has a simple beginning. There’s no point trying to heal without first going into the root. And this is what The Love Lab is all about.

You will get your highly intelligent map and a software (hint: which you are an owner of already) on how to get from where you are to where you want to go. Aka the things you will “work on” while in the lab. This includes your physical, emotional and energetic space. You and I will meet on a 30–min call to name your goals and highlight the areas that need addressing during your time in the Lab.

We’ll perform a self-marriage ceremony and each woman gets a marriage certificate – a proof of graduating from the School of Love, master’s degree in Sovereign Love.

You will have an energetic blueprint (“Relationship Mandala”) of your perfect match – a priceless reminder of who you are, who he is and who you are together as a union.

Become a clear vessel for your innate gifts.
You own your magic!
Understand and embody sovereignty on the deepest level.
Know when to say “no” – and when to say “yes”. Powerfully. In life, in business and in bed.
Accept and adore every inch of YOU.
Only take what is yours.
Feel less overwhelmed – you no longer carry the world on your shoulders.
Have a wardrobe that expresses and amplifies your essence. Become your own business card.
Love your home and every room in it. Design with an intention. Easily let go of everything that does not reflect your essence.
Develop an unshakable trust in yourself.
Let your intuition lead.
Are no longer motivated by fear but truth – not matter how inconvenient this truth may be.
Know what your body needs, moment to moment. And then give it to yourself.
You know you're a catch. You have wit. Yet you have a blindspot. Even after all the success you have created, you're not quite clear how to implement that level of "deserving" when it comes to love and long-term partnership.
You're starting to avoid relationships because they just seem like a lot of work
You worry about losing your autonomy and your sense of self when in a relationship
You're starting to lose confidence and wonder if there's something wrong with you
You don't like who you become in relationships: You either put aside your own needs and become the caretaker OR you become too "needy" and push him away – in both cases the relationship is short-lived
You're too busy, overworked and not sure how to switch from being in your mind to being in your emotions
You have done your trauma work and have some experience with meditation and self-development work
You're considering to hire a professional matchmaker and want to make sure you've done your inner work to get the most out of that experience
You want to grow and evolve spiritually and experience a paradigm shift that catapults you to the right path

A one-way ticket is not always the way to change your life but it was mine.
When I left my home country of Finland in 2001 and moved to New York City with only one luggage, a tourist visa, $600 to my name, no home and no job in sight – the typical story of the "American Dream" – I thought I was living lightly.
I soon realized that although I didn’t have many material possessions, my load was heavy.
I kept looking for men, money, God and happiness in all the wrong places. I got in trouble. I didn’t think my master's degrees and certifications were enough to get the job I wanted so I started working as a stripper in a gentlemen’s club.
It took me many years to unpack my emotions and beliefs about myself and the world. I dove deeply into personal development work. I stayed in temples and visited ashrams. I realized I could get lost in that, too. But I had amazing teachers along the way and for that I’m forever grateful.
I learned how easy it is to leave myself, thinking the answers to my burning questions are out there.
I learned how easy it is to check out, leave the space and run away from pain, discomfort and shame.
I learned how easy it is to turn away from Spirit, and ignore the only voice that truly matters: my intuition.
I started slowly gathering my power back from where I had left it – from people, places and things. I learned about my soul charts (Akasha) and began the clearing of some deep-rooted, soul-level misunderstandings.
I studied fasting and participated in native ceremonies with Dr. Gabriel Cousens and completed a 40 - day fast on my own that was a life-changing spiritual experience for me.
I started integrating my inner and outer worlds.
I started creating a business that fit my essence, and I stopped trying to make my essence fit my business.
I stopped looking for love outside of myself and met my life partner, my vibrational match.
I allowed myself to do nothing.
And let me tell you, that changed everything.
And I’m here to share these teachings with you.

No longer create your relationships on the sand of inauthenticity and self-sabotage, but on the mountain of your own true being.
No longer end up spending your precious money and time on things that are just a cover up.
Finally accept the fact that you always had everything it takes.
Create a sixth sense for things that feel off.
No longer be seduced, but guided.
No longer feel the hole, but the wholeness of you.
No longer be living a lie, but a life.
Become more whole, healthy and radiant – aligning yourself with your North Star has an immediate impact on your well-being
Defined what's truly important to you – and what's not
Released any withholds, resentment and outdated beliefs you have had about relationships
Rewired deep-rooted dating and attachment patterns and evolved past their limitations
Stopped second-guessing yourself
Stopped dating just to fill space
Fine-tuned your intuition so that when s/he eventually does show up, you simply know
Activated your personal "Relationship Mandala" – a visual that holds the vibration of your aligned relationship
Married Yourself
Got to know yourself more intimately as a Spirit and found a way to access your own inner Sacred Feminine & Masculine
Weekly calls, teaching and hot seat coaching on Zoom
Monthly and quarterly rituals
Virtual community forum
Guided meditations and activations
Guest Teachers
A welcome gift in the mail

“Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.”
– Maya Angelou
Weekly calls, teaching and hot seat coaching on Zoom
Monthly and quarterly rituals
Virtual community forum
Guided meditations and activations
Guest Teachers
A welcome gift in the mail