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A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.
                                                               —Lao Tzu


  • Work one–on–one with someone who sees you from the perspective who you really are? 
  • Let go of mental and emotional clutter and the energetic weight that is holding you back from fully accessing your power?
  • Master your energy field and the energy you put out and let in on a daily basis in your business and in your personal relationships?
  • Know how to use intuition in everything that you do?
  • Try out something different? You feel drained by cookie-cutter coaching.
  • Learn to access Source directly, where there will no longer be a need for external validation?
  • Have fun while doing this?
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The Present | Inventory


We start by getting real. We'll use The Clutter Wheel to determine what areas in your life and business are the most cluttered. What’s working? What’s not working? We establish a regular sitting practice – the ability to be with yourself without the urge to run away is the foundation for this work. We need you present and rooted in yourself. The deeper the roots, the taller the tree. 


The Future | Vision + Intention


From stillness comes movement. What is your vision? You get crystal clear about the future. Together we create a strategy for how to get there. What is out of balance? What needs to change? Where are you out of integrity with yourself? How do you get back to truth?


The Past | Beliefs + Patterns


We visit your childhood in order to deepen your understanding about the present. We shine light on the conditions and belief systems that you learned - they are not who you are. What limiting beliefs need to go? What’s holding you back from trusting yourself fully and completely? The beauty of limitation is that it is often what catapults change. 


Clearing limiting root beliefs (for good) will immediately shift your energy positively and change your thoughts, emotions and behavior. This will create a powerful "Aha!" experience in you – a paradigm shift – that helps you let go of limitations that you didn't even know you had.

Energy | Daily Habits


What gives you energy? What drains it? What daily habits support you, and what disempower you? You learn to tune into your own energy and raise your mood and attitude, and release resentment and withholds that keep you postponing your life. 


Purpose | Who Are You?


Who are you and why are you here? These are not small questions. In a meditative space, I will guide you through a process that will help you remember your purpose – who did you come here to be? This is a larger intention statement for your entire lifetime. When you know your purpose, you trust yourself. You are able to discern between people, places and things. You tap into our innate power. Your purpose is not stagnant, it will change when you change. 


Co-Creation | Alignment


What is it that you want to create next? Together we make sure your creation is fully aligned with your purpose. Is your project heart expanding, fulfilling on Soul Level and coming from inside yourself (power)? Or does your project feel alienated from your Heart, and coming from your Will (force)? Is your creation draining you or fueling you? Who do you need to be in order for you to reach your goal? 

When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.” 

                                                              ― Kahlil Gibrán


Let me guess. You've read this far because you are listening to that little voice inside that tells you to keep reading.


Am I correct?

This little voice is called your intuition. Your inner guidance. Your Spirit. It is the very first voice we hear, before it is taken over by the editor/body guard called the Mind.

And this little voice, as tiny and insignificant as it may seem, carries all the answers, all the wisdom and all the guidance you will ever need.

When big challenges arise in your life and business, what if you could reliably turn to the guidance of this little voice, so much so that eventually it is no longer little?​

What if you learned to strengthen this little muscle?

We all have it.

What is the little voice telling you right at this moment? Do you still hear it?

Or is it taken over by comments like: It's all fine as it is. I may not always make the best choices and I may not be the happiest person, but that's just business. It is what it is. I better not waste my time learning something new – it may end up costing me my momentum.

What if I told you that it is not "just" business. What if I told you that you did not come here to just make money but to fulfill your destiny? To thrive. To make a difference. To leave a legacy.


What would become possible if you developed your sixth sense and learned to use it in your decision-making?


I haven't always been good at listening to that quiet voice. 

Here's a moment that changed it for me:

“You’re living a lie”, she said. It hurt to hear only because it was true. I was in the midst of training for my certification in Spirit Coaching® thirteen years ago and my teacher was helping me see where in my life I was out of integrity with myself.


The thing is, I had been making many major life decisions based on hope. Hope felt better than doubt, insecurity, second guessing myself, nervousness.


I was terrified of listening to my intuition because I knew I would not like what it would say. I was also too afraid to voice what I truly wanted and needed, so I went along with other people’s goals and dreams, hoping one day they would change their mind – or learn to read mine.


Well, that did not happen.


So I decided to change the only life I could change – my own.

And I realized in order to be free, I need to be fluent in intuition. I started eliminating all the other voices. I used my tools. I raised my vibration. I expanded. And I started helping others do the same. 

One of the most satisfying aspects of my work as a Spirit Coach is that very moment when my clients realize that miracles can become part of their everyday life. That moment when "success" is the core of their very existence. And when a meditation practice stops being a task, but an embodied way of being in this world.

And this is what I want for you, too.

Crystal Rocks


The Spirit Coach® Methodology is a system that awakens Divine potential and reminds you that all the answers you are seeking outside, are within you.


Many of us are familiar with the importance of the Mind, Body and Spirit connection. Yet most of us lead our lives from our mind and not from our spirit or intuition.


When we lead from the mind, we can't create balance because we are not connected to Source, which brings us into alignment with our higher self.


Without this connection, there's always a feeling that something is missing in our lives; no matter how much we achieve, have or do, there is still this feeling of being disconnected.

We can create great wealth by activating our personal will and ego, but this success is rarely sustainable. 

This is your chance to change that, for good.

Star Cluster

And when you do, you get to know yourself as spirit. All your issues become non-issues. They won't magically disappear but you learn to process them differently, together with your higher guidance. You learn to go to the root of the trigger. You step out of the emotional and mental roller-coaster, into a path that is spirit-led, aligned and authentic. 

Image by Jason D


Spirit Coaching private sessions are done over the phone, in a safe and supportive environment. Calls last for one hour, and take place weekly. Our time together consists of meditation, intuitive reading and healing, and energy management practices that will help you awaken your own intuitive abilities and greater connection to spirit.


This work is designed to directly address the energetic blocks that are keeping you from your next level fulfillment. There is no formula. When you work with me, your spirit runs the show. I’m just a facilitator for the Presence that wants to awaken within you. You will learn tools that will help you access and fine-tune your inner compass so that you can move forward in your business with confidence and grace, making a bigger difference without overwhelm and burn-out.  

Reminder: Coaching is not advice, psychotherapy or counseling. I’m not a licensed therapist nor trained in trauma work. I don't offer medical advice. I want to make sure all your needs are taken care of during our time together, so professional referrals will be given, if needed.


I encourage you to schedule a 15-minute call with me to see if this is a fit.

Or if you already know this is for you, you can go ahead and purchase the 120–day process by clicking the button below. 


  • Weekly 1:1 calls with Riikka | 60min 

  • A workbook

  • Support via texting between calls

$7500 PIF or

$1997/month for 4 months 


After I have received your payment I will email you an intake form to get started.


I look forward to assisting you in your growth and expansion!

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